Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Eid Mubaarak! For Maldivians, today has always been a day of joy and celebration after a faithful observance of month's fast. It was a month of spiritual cleansing that makes us ready for another year of life in service to our communities. It is a month that helps us keep up the tryst with our communities -- the understanding that we are one community of human beings and that what divides are only just artificial boundaries that even tomorrow may be shattered. Ramzaan brings to our hearts that the real tangible entity that we have within us is the 'self' (that inner voice) which is devoid of any selfishness and is wholeheartedly into giving. It is said that what we get is what we give and so this is what makes our 'self' the supreme entity that enlivens us and sustains us as one community without boundaries. So as we move to another wonderful year in our lives, lets remind ourselves and feel within us this pulse of our inner self that will only tell us nothing but the truth of warm relationships and joyous raptures that only sharing can bring. May Allah bless you all on this Blessed EID.

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